5 Documentaries About Human Trafficking

5 Documentaries About Human Trafficking

One of the ways to help end human trafficking is to be knowledgeable about it.  Research, watch documentaries, research the information in the documentaries, research some more, and then spread awareness.  Below, I‘ve listed five documentaries about Human Trafficking that I’ve watched and that I recommend.  Please keep in mind that these may be hard to watch and listen to, but the truth is the truth.  It’s time for us to be aware of what is going on around us.  It’s time to put an end to it.  You can click the link on the first two and it’ll take you to watch the documentaries for free and the last 3 can be watched for free with Prime.


1.  Silent Cry:  The Darker Side of Human Trafficking

A really in-depth documentary about child trafficking.  We are first introduced to a story about the Finders, a religious cult in the D.C. area that was discovered to be a ring of child abuse in 1987 and how following the legal proceedings, the story was suppressed and the media covered it up.  It also goes into Jeffery Epstein and his network.  The most interesting part to me was the story of Ilonka Deaton, a survivor of sex trafficking.


2.  Out of Shadows

This documentary was released on YouTube on April 10, 2020 and gained two million views within 24 hours of release.  YouTube started banning the video as soon as it gained momentum.  The creators of the documentary came under attack by the mainstream media and the reason becomes obvious once you watch it.  “Out of Shadows” exposes pedophilia in Hollywood and how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.


3.  Stopping Traffic (Free with Prime)

A powerful documentary that features heroes of the anti-sex-trafficking movement in order to raise awareness, expand the movement, and present practical solutions to eradicate it.


4.  Operation Toussaint (Free with Prime)

Tim Ballard left his post as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to form Operation Underground Railroad and go undercover to rescue child sex trafficking victims that he couldn't save when bound by government restrictions.  Operation Underground Railroad is the nonprofit we chose to donate 100% of our profits to for our Nov 23 - Dec 1 sales.


5.  In Plain Sight:  Stories of Hope and Freedom (Free with Prime)

An eye-opening documentary featuring six extraordinary women who work passionately to care for survivors and stop sex trafficking in the United States.


Let me know your thoughts or any other documentaries on Human Trafficking that you recommend!

Love + Light,


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